For candidates

What is Potential in Action?

Want us to kickstart your career
in Danish business life?

Potential in Action is known for its case-based course that bridges the divide between young talents and Danish companies. The course is an offer to recent graduates who want to open their doors to the private sector. The course entails 10 weeks of teamwork on a business case in a company, but Potential in Action is much more than that. An eye-opener, educational journey and motivational boost – you will never get a better chance to discover your talent!

As a participant in Potential in Action, you will above all get the chance to meet Danish business life and get new insight into your talent and career path. You will solve an important business case for a company and be able to write it on your CV as relevant work experience. But you will also get access to the entire universe of resources that we have developed in order to help graduates with their job search. Most importantly you get personal career sparring from experiences consultants who are experts in the Danish business world.

What do you gain by participating?

  • Work experience from a specific Danish company on your CV
  • Commercial insight and knowledge of relevant job functions
  • Exploration of your core talent and most important competences
  • Definition of your value proposition to an employer
  • A larger professional network and tactics for using it
  • Increased self-knowledge through personality tests and personal coaching
  • Tools for project management and coordination in a team
  • Optimisation of CV, cover letters, LinkedIn and job interview technique

What do our participants think?

  • Stefan Octavian Vezeanu

    MSc in International Marketing

    “Potential in Action is my very first recommendation for graduates. Besides being your liaison to the business environment, you get the chance to be mentored through personal sparring. This helped me understand my strengths and boost my confidence in landing my current job. The consultants are all completely dedicated to the program and the mentoring, a fact that I will always be grateful for.”

  • Kiril Boyanov


    “I will definitely recommend Potential in Action to other graduates who have entered the job market with high ambitions and expectations but limited work experience. The commitment and effort behind the course have been on a whole different level than similar offers and the course has helped me in more ways than I imagined. In my perspective, being a part of the course is a big step towards getting a job. There is no need to wait before you sign up - I waited longer than I should have!”

  • Casper Anton Stenberg-Nielsen

    Cand.mag. in Religious Studies

    ”I will definitely recommend Potential in Action to other graduates, especially from the humanities. I thought we belonged in NGOs, public administration or the educational system, and that I would drown in Excel files, suits and long reports in a private company. That was not the case! On the contrary, I quickly settled in and the course has been invaluable for my competency clarification and job search.”

  • Kathrine Petersen

    Cand.mag. in Learning and Change Studies
    “Being a part of Potential in Action gave me access to a surprisingly large network and I needed that after finishing my graduate degree. The consultants gave me a lot of tools and insight, among others tools to expand my network and present my competences and value in a highly effective way. This definitely helped me land a job after the course.”
  • Kristian Vilstrup Tomsen

    Cand.soc. in Education Science

    “I will definitely recommend Potential in Action to other graduates, especially those who haven’t used their academic skills outside their studies yet. The course has given me far better insight into what I offer in different work situations. Moreover, the teamwork has made me capable of directly describing how I handle and perform in busy work environments. I believe this to have been a crucial factor in getting my current job.”

  • Rasmus Sand Sørensen

    B.Eng. Chemical Technology
    “Potential in Action isn’t just another job search course. The project gives real insight into one’s relevant competences and their use in a company – and for me that meant that I landed a job quickly and used what I had learned to onboard efficiently. I will definitely recommend Potential in Action as early in your job search as possible so that you can take full action with your preferred companies from day one.”
  • Lea Waldeier Pedersen

    Cand.mag. in Music and Religious Studies
    ”Through Potential in Action, I have realised the value I can create in a private company and I have used my qualifcations in practice. Honestly, I must say that I joined the project with some skepticism, but I have to admit that it has been a genuinely positive experience. My development throughout the course has been healthy and necessary for me and it will defnitely affect my further job search and clarifcation of what I want.”
  • Thomas Damgaard

    MA in International and Global History
    ”The most important thing that I bring with me from Potential in Action is that even if I previously thought that I could contribute positively in companies where my background seemed a little odd, this feeling has been strengthened through concrete experiences from our project. Even if you try not to focus too much on your niche background, you cannot stop being influenced by it because of the priorities of the job market. You need to challenge that thinking.”
  • Rebecca Stevn

    Cand.mag. in Art History and French
    “Throughout my course at Add Value, I was confirmed in my view that there is a need for visual competencies such as mine in the business world. I have also gained personal support in order to dare to speak up and stand by my opinions. It has been valuable for me in the way that I have learned a lot from other subjects areas and can now put my competencies into a business context.”
  • Anders Sørud Madsen

    Cand.mag. in Religious Studies
    “You are not just making coffee in the companies. We are talking about important tasks that mean something to the companies and their revenue. It is amazing to use one’s qualifications and at the same time see that it influences the company. I will definitely recommend Add Value’s course to other job seekers and the earlier in the job search the better. You really get clarification of your strengths and become sharp at communicating them to the employers.”

10 weeks of targeted case work

The core of Potential in Action is 1 weeks of work on a business case for a Danish company, 7 of these weeks you work at their office. The case work in the company takes place in an interdisciplinary team of 5 graduates and together you will solve your task and present your results.

The business case you will help solve is always a challenging and strategically important project with direct importance for the company. It often aims at business development and can involve market analysis, competitors analysis, communication strategy, branding initiatives or similar activities.

What a course looks like


2 weeks of instruction in tools for teamwork, project management and job search.


7 weeks of team-based project work in a company with a concluding presentation of the results.


1 week of follow-up on the case work in relation to continued job search and career strategy.

+ a weekly day off for job search and dedicated career sparring from experienced consultants – during the course and 3 months after!

The goal is for you to get a job

Potential in Action aims to help you get a job – that is our one and only goal. This means that our focus during the entire course will be on strengthening your position in your job search. And we dare to guarantee that we will. Through a combination of training, work experience, network and professional counselling, we expand your opportunities for securing employment and increase your insight into your own competencies and qualifications.

Seeing as you are still listed as unemployed during the course, you are to write job applications as usual. We continually advise you and use our professional, experienced and practically minded perspective on your job search. Our advice can be about applications, job interviews, competencies or your strategy for seeking jobs.

Our course have a very high success rate when it comes to getting recent graduates a job. And should you not have secured employment during the course, then do not worry – we are not letting go of you. We are ready to help and advise you in the months following the course as well.

Contact Potential in Action

Kristoffer Kudsk

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +45 28 60 11 70

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